Keywords"to",total 609 records
frequency induction heating equipment for precision tools brazing
UM-30AB-HF high frequency induction heating equipment precision tool brazing, has the advantages of good welding strength, high efficiency, less oxidation, safe operation
induction brazing alloy carbide-tipped tool
induction brazing is a quicker, faster, safer way for various standard carbide cutting tool or non-standard carbide cutting tools.induction brazing cemented carbide cutting tool.
induction brass solder for copper pipes and connectors
Induction brass solder will bring a quicker speed and better soldering quality than common methods.induction brass solder 1induction brass solder 2induction brass solder
inducton shrinking fit for 2 shells
induction heating is a very good method for shrinking fit work, quick speed, none-contact,environmental protected.shrinking fit for 2 shells
induction brass soldering for pot bottom
Induction heating is widely used for brass soldering, its better than common heating ways like gas welding.induction brazing copper scewinduction brass brazing nutinduction brass brazinginduction brass soldering
high frequency induction brazing copper bars for the stator winding
High frequency induction brazing is an energy-saving technology. High power densities that are implemented in induction heating, allow to rapidly heat the local area to the soldering temperature 600 - 1200 C, at a cost of minimum energy process compared t…
induction heating automotive chassis
Induction heating has been widely used in automobile industry like automotive chassis heat treatment as bellowinduction heating automotive chassis
custom-build twin induction coil
Induction coil (inductor) is the key of total induction heating system, a good designed induction coil will bring a fast & safe work and protect the induction heater.custom-build twin induction coilBase Induction Coil Design and Theory Induction Coil D…
customized induction coil
UIHM can provide various shape of induction coils with our induction heating machine for your workcustomized induction coilBase Induction Coil Design and Theory Induction Coil Design and Fabrication
customized induction coil for motor axle
UIHM can provide various shape of induction coils with our induction heating machine for your workcustomized induction coil for motor axleBase Induction Coil Design and Theory Induction Coil Design and Fabrication
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