Objective Water-cooled brass mandrel die, nylon LDPE catheter, “K” type thermocouple and temperature controller.
Material materials, supplies involved in the application
Temperature 400°F (204°C)
Frequency 325kHz
Equipment Power of 10kW induction heating system, remote heat station containing one 0.66 microfarad capacitor.
Process A two turn plate concentrator coil is used to heat the die. To measure the temperature on the ID and establish the time-totemperature relationship, the thermocouple is inserted inside the brass die. RF power is applied for 3 seconds to heat the die to 400°F (204°C). The nylon tube is pushed into the die and formed into a catheter.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
• Increased throughput and reduced cycle time
• Consistent and repeatable results
• Clean heating
• Precise temperature control

Heating brass mandrel die
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