Objective Heat pliers for final shaping of the handles
Material Steel pliers handles 5” (12.7 cm) long; 0.14” (3.56mm) thick
Temperature 1200ºF (649 ºC)
Frequency 199 kHz
Equipment Power of 6kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote heat station containing two (2) 0.33 μF capacitors for a total of 0.66 μF.
An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.
Process A multi-turn helical coil is used to heat a 3.75” (9.53cm) long zone on one handle of the pliers at a time. The coil design allows easy loading and unloading without having to rotate the part. The handle is inserted into the coil and heated for 30 seconds to reach 1200°F. Then the part is transferred to a press and formed into the correct handle shape.
Multiple pliers handles may be heated simultaneously with a higher kW power supply.
Results/Benefits • Precisely heating the desired zone avoids overheating of part. This provides higher quality vs. heating with a torch.

Heat pliers
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