Objective Heat to melting point various materials in a nitrogen atmosphere in a graphite or molybdenum crucible.
Material Magnesium fluoride, tantalum pentoxide, aluminum, yttrium fluoride, germanium, hafnium or titanium dioxide and a Pyrex bell jar
Temperature Melting temperatures varies
Frequency 160 kHz
Equipment • Power of 45kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing two 1.0μF capacitors for a total of 0.5 μF
• An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.
Process The crucible is heated using a coil with a four turn pancake at the base that extends upward into a three turn helical coil.
Times and melting temperatures vary due to the properties of the different materials.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
• Faster process time than electron beam heating.
• Repeatable, consistent results.
• Even distribution of heating.

various materials in the crucibles
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